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PGS. TS. Lê Nguyễn Hậu

Phó giáo sư, Tiến sĩ, Giảng viên
  • Phó Giáo sư Tiến sĩ, Marketing & Kinh doanh quốc tế, University of Western Sydney (Úc), 2005

Le Nguyen Hau is an Associate Professor at the School of Industrial Management, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Hau received his PhD in the Western Sydney University, Australia. His research covers consumer behavior, service marketing, strategic marketing and knowledge management. His current research project is on Service Value Co-creation for a Better Life.

Hau’s works have been published in journals such as Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Research, Service Business, Journal of Services Marketing, Service Industries Journal, International Journal of Bank Marketing among others. Hau also serves as Guest Editor of Service Business, International Journal of Quality Innovation and member of the Editorial Board of Service Business and Australasian Marketing Journal and a domestic journal. 

Hướng nghiên cứu

  • Services marketing
  • Consumer behavior
  • Value co-creation
  • Transformative services
  • Well-being

Bài báo tạp chí/hội nghị quốc tế

  • Trên 40 bài, trong đó có 20 bài ISI

Bài báo tạp chí/hội nghị trong nước

  • Trên 30 bài

Các dự án và Đề tài nghiên cứu

  • 7 Đề tài

Các môn học tham gia giảng dạy


Giảng viên : Lại Huy Hùng, Lê Nguyễn Hậu, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn