“Sustainable HRM and HRD in Tourism” – suitable for HR professionals, tourism professionals, lecturers.

- Time: Thursday 21 July 2022, 9:00-11:00
- Venue: 201B10
Speaker: Dr. Alina M. K. & Dr. Erika K. Visiting lecturers fromVIKO (Lithuania)
Target audience: HR professionals, tourism professionals, lecturers.
1. The phenomenon of sustainable Human Resource Management and Development (by Dr. Alina)
2. The roles of HEIs (in preparing the tourism specialists) (by Dr. Erika)
The seminar will be about the phenomenon of sustainable Human Resource Management and Development. Analyzed the cases of transformation of HRM to the Sustainable HRM. Discussed the influence of Interinstitutional Cooperation on Sustainable HRM and HRD in Tourism.