International journal Nguyen Thi Duc Nguyen*, Nguyen Hoang Phat, Nguyen Thi Hoang Mai, Huynh Thi Phuong Lan; Can supply chain collaboration improve firm performance? Experiences on leather and footwear companies in Vietnam; ISSN: 1979-3561. EISSN: 2579-9363; 2022; Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (OSCM) (; 15(4) Quoc Trung Pham, Huynh Ngoc Diem Nguyen,...Read More
International journal Phạm Quốc Trung, Phạm Đình Khang; The success of e-commerce startups: an empirical study in Vietnam; 2318-9975; 2021; International Journal of Innovation; 9 (3) Hang Le Cam Phuong, Vo Anh Tung; Factors Affecting Spontaneous Buying Behavior of Consumers at Bach Hoa Xanh System in Ho Chi Minh City; 2237-0722; 021; Revistageintec; Vol. 11...Read More
International journal Tuan Manh Nguyen; Social resources and value creation: a consumer perspective; 1460-6720; ESCI; 2020; International Journal of Services and Technology Management; 26(5) Thong Tien Nguyen* and Hien Thu Nguyen; State Ownership and Firm Performance in Vietnam: The Role of State-owned Holding Company; 1985-4064; 2020; Asian Journal of Business and Accounting; 13(2) Nguyễn Thành...Read More
International journal Pham Ngoc Thuy – Le Nguyen Hau – Nguyen Kim Ngoc Duyen; A value perspective of service interaction quality: the case of immigrants returning to native countries as medical tourists; 2363-7021; 2019; International Journal of Quality Innovation; Vol.5, No. 2 Le Nguyen Hau; The role of customer operant resources in health care value...Read More
International journal Tuan Manh Nguyen; Co-creation from consumer resource integration; 1947-9638; ESCI;2018; International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management; 9(3) Quoc Trung Pham, Minh Chau Huynh; Learning achievement and knowledge transfer: the impact factor of e-learning system at Bach Khoa University, Vietnam; 2318-9975; SCIE;2018; INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION; 6 (2) Quoc Trung Pham, Xuan...Read More
International journal Vo Ngoc Phu, Vo Thi Ngoc Tran , Vo Thi Ngoc Chau , Nguyen Duy Dat , Khanh Ly Doan Duy, A decision tree using ID3 algorithm for English semantic analysis, International Journal of Speech Technology (Scopus), September 2017, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp 593–613, (2017) J. Thomas Connelly, Piman Limpaphayom, Hien T. Nguyen, Thanh D. Tran, A tale of two cities: Economic development, corporate governance and...Read More
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