Seminar: International Transportation Management for Live Seafood Products (Ornamental Fish)

As globalization drives the demand for ornamental fish, international transportation management has become an essential and fascinating field. This seminar, a part of the Global Transportation and Logistics Management course, is designed to provide students with crucial insights into the challenges and solutions in this domain.

Mr. Huỳnh Duy Trúc, CEO of Southern Tropical Fish Co., Ltd., will share his extensive expertise on the transportation of live ornamental fish. He will focus on ensuring their quality and health during transit, as well as navigating the essential legal regulations and customs procedures for export.

Participants will also explore new technologies and modern management methods that not only optimize the transportation process but also minimize risks and elevate business efficiency.

Speaker:  Mr. Huỳnh Duy Trúc (MBA ) – CEO, Southern Tropical Fish Co., Ltd. 

  • Time: 2 PM – 4 PM, November 19, 2024 
  • Venue: Room 404H2 – Di An Campus, HCMUT-VNU